We Reap What We Sow
Hello everyone! School has started, and the days and nights are getting cooler in most places where fall is beginning. This has been an interesting month for us. We have seen some great people come on board as partners with B-Epic Worldwide, and we have been making some corporate changes to help us reach future goals. In addition, we have been very busy preparing for the big events in Cancun and Morocco. I say, “CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE WINNERS,” and even “CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL WHO TRIED.” When anyone works to achieve a goal, no matter how far you get, that is further than you would have been if you had not set the goal and tried.
In addition to all the positive, there have been some unfortunate issues with contention, which is never good and is so toxic to all of us. Two sayings come to my mind: (1) YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW. (2) EVERY DAY IS NOT A GOOD DAY, BUT EVERY DAY HAS SOME GOOD. Think about these two statements. None of us can disagree with or avoid what we reap from what we plant. Do you plant contention or kindness and charity? Often, we all have to take a stand and follow the rules. That is not contention or meanness; that is just living an intentional life, hoping for good and fair results.
Some days, we really have to look hard for something good, but there is always something, even if it is the song of a bird, a beautiful cloud, or an unexpected smile from a stranger. Success in any business demands positive goal setting and focused effort to achieve that success.
We each choose. Sow good deeds and reap a bountiful harvest. Look for something good in each day, and you will find it.
It is a great day for a great day for all. ~ Lynn Putnam, Owner