Inspirational Message from a Builder in the Field
“Every day I thank God for this opportunity and the 400+ people that trusted me enough to join me on this new journey. Two months ago, I found B-Epic and my life was forever changed.
For most of my adult life, I was caught in a lifestyle that I thought only existed in movies. Between human trafficking and addiction, I had no hope for the future and was just surviving. Today I have been six years clean and – because of network marketing – I’ve been able to create a life for myself and my family beyond my wildest dreams. I came to B-Epic broken and was not just accepted but pushed to become a version of myself I didn’t know existed. My limiting beliefs have been lifted, and my future has never been brighter.
I get to show my babies that our past doesn’t define our future. I get to give them a life I never dreamed possible. I get to show those stuck in the life I used to live that you can RECOVER and make something of yourself…and I’ll forever be grateful!”
~Dusti Berrelez, Diamond Brand Partner