Epic Acts of Kindness
First, I want to wish you a Happy New Year 2024. May it be a year abundant in health, prosperity, and much success for everyone! We are very happy because the year 2023 that just ended was a year of many challenges, but also of many goals achieved. In terms of business, we were able to achieve the registration of ImmunoCode in Ecuador and Bolivia, and Allevi8 PRO in Mexico. Therefore, we had a great end of the year in Latin America!
However, what moved us the most and filled our hearts in this December was being able to help with a donation to carry out a community activity that took place in Pucusana Peru on last December 23rd, where we were able to give a Christmas gift to 126 children, and we were also able to share a moment of joy accompanied by chocolate, Christmas sweet bread, and a surprise package of candy for our children from this small community in Peru. Thank you to B-Epic and the Putnam Family for allowing us to close the year in such a humane and exemplary way!
Once again, we wish all our leaders the best for this year that is just beginning with the best vibes and greatest enthusiasm, and we will surely pursue to have the best year ever! ~ Alejandro Gomez, B-Epic Latin America Director