We are excited to announce that John Godzich has been formally appointed the President of B-Epic Europe. Please join us in expressing our appreciation for his leadership, wisdom, and vision!
“No man is an island! And the comedian added, “yeah, but he’s a peninsula!” Although they were added in jest, no truer words were ever spoken. Most of us are children of the twentieth century, which raised us in the unabashed ideology of individualism. We were all riding off into the sunset after having won the fight for justice! Truth is radically different. We need each other to lean on as well as to support us.
As distributors in B-Epic, our role can be summarized in the following fashion: PROMOTE, PROMOTE, PROMOTE! When we promote others, we use the third-party approach. Others are credible simply because they are not us. We can promote products, the company, our upline, speakers at events, etc. We can promote everything and everyone, except ourselves. If we isolate ourselves from everyone else, we condemn ourselves (and therefore our group and our growth) to the limited mindset of our ego. But when we promote outside of ourselves, the sky is the limit.
That is why B-Epic makes available to EVERYONE the recognition celebration every last Wednesday of the month, and the update from B-Epic Found Dan Putnam every first Wednesday of the month. Be there with everyone from your group.”
See you on the next Zoom! ~ John Godzich, President of B-Epic Europe