All About You Conference in Orlando was a big hit!
Hopefully we are all experiencing B-Epic in a wholistic surround sound way! An opportunity anchored in the best products at the best pricing! Now we can add the best training in the best culture. “Good Culture is to recruiting, what good product is to marketing.”
Orlando was the perfect melting pot of humanity of all walks of life! B-Epic Founder Dan Putnam set the tone and vision, even with beautiful inspirational live music performed by Adam. From then on, Stanecia Graham held the room in the palm of her hands! Then one great leader After another shared so many great things to empower those Who desire improvements in their lifestyles! VP Jesus Alvarez gave a profound International update, illuminated the idea that we are global, leveraging the global economy, indiscriminately to millions of doorsteps! We all left fulfilled and ready to go to the next level. I was given some time to share as well the message of “how to be epic” as part of a Brand New B-Ü Movement!
Being you, is being happy, is being epic! “The only successful you, the authentic you, the only sustainable you, is the authentic you. Be you, be happy, be epic!” ~ Ron Williams