Important Update about Monthly Calls
Please be advised that we are making some schedule changes to the monthly calls to better reach more members. They will now be held at 10 am (Utah, USA Mountain Standard Time). Also, the Monthly Recognition Call will now take place the 2nd Wednesday of each month and will recognize the ranks achieved in the previous month. The Monthly Corporate Kick-Off Call (formerly Update Call) will continue to take place the first Wednesday of each month. Plus, we are adding an exciting new call that will take place the 4th Wednesday of each month (be watching for details about it).
Also, there will be other changes made as we work to make these calls interesting, shorter, and hopefully available to more of you. We recognize people often have to plan their day in order to attend the live Zooms. And we know that is just not possible or convenient for a lot of you, so the calls are recorded and posted in the Back Office for you to watch at your convenience.
We look forward to seeing you on the monthly calls!