July will Always Stand for Freedom to Me

Hello everyone wherever you are. Summer is often thought of as a time to relax with more free time and great vacations with family or friends. But it is starting to feel like it is an even busier and more stressful time as we work to schedule and accomplish everything. Also, we have wars going on in the world on multiple fronts. As a result, it is often hard to find time to ponder and meditate on anything but the necessities of the day. And many of us are feeling more than normal anxiety for our freedom. In the United States, this is the month we celebrate freedom for our nation, and this fall we will be holding elections for many political offices, including the President of the United States.

Freedom is one of the most precious things we have. And anytime anyone loses a freedom, that is a loss for all of us. When we become complacent or apathetic it is so easy to ignore the actions that are slowly eating away at our freedoms. We can wake up one day and realize we have lost another major freedom. The reality is, we can only control our own thoughts and actions. What are each of us doing to protect our freedoms? Do we vote? Do we speak up for our beliefs? Are we willing to stand up for our neighbors’ right to also be free? 

Freedom matters! Wars have been fought all over the world to maintain freedoms. We can feel all of that should be behind us, and maybe it should be, but as long as we are alive, there will be attacks on freedom. Think about your cherished freedoms. Are they worth standing up for? What can you do to help protect your valued freedoms? It will take all of us to keep this world free.

B-Epic Worldwide can help with financial freedom to give you time for family and friends as well as your ability to focus on those freedoms that matter most to you. We all need time but we cannot create or get one more minute. But we can use the time we have to protect what matters most to us, and our freedoms need to be near the top of our list of priorities.

God bless all of you! ~ Lynn Putnam, B-Epic Worldwide Co-Owner