Tour of Guadeloupe and Martinique

One of the reasons I’m passionate about organizing indoor speaking tours is the unique opportunity they provide to meet people directly, whether they’re prospects or distributors. These special moments allow me to create and strengthen authentic bonds, to share my enthusiasm for the fantastic nutritional supplements in our range, and especially for the ALLEVI8 Pro patch.

At these conferences, I can see guests’ eyes widen with astonishment when I put them through tests of strength, flexibility, balance and electromagnetic protection with the patch. These demonstrations are not only moments of sharing knowledge, but also magical moments where we can literally observe the moment of realization and wonder among the participants. For me, this is one of the reasons why Relational Marketing is so highly regarded in our team.

What makes my conference tours successful is this relationship of trust that is established when I travel to meet people. In addition to that, I am deeply driven by the transmission of the values of B-Epic and therefore of the Putnam family, not only in France but also in overseas territories. For me, this represents a mission of the heart, that of spreading a message of well-being, fulfillment and success that resonates with everyone’s aspirations.

~ Xavier Barbary, B-Epic Black Diamond Brand Partner