Inspirational Message from a Leader in the Field
This month’s inspirational message comes from a dynamic leader in the field: Sam Gurevich, Double Blue Diamond.
“I am so excited to be a part of B-Epic, especially at this precise moment. We have what people want and are looking for, a real global opportunity, that they can leverage to change their lives and lives of others.
In my 29 years in this industry, with partners around the world, I have seen firsthand the power of it to help people change their lives. In B-Epic, we have a leverage beyond anything I have seen, a true simplicity in everything. A person can even start earning without spending a cent, that’s incredible and powerful.
We are blessed to have spectacular impact products, with world renowned scientists, to absolutely amazing compensation plan and product pricing. Simplicity is a powerful element that we all have here in B-Epic.
B-Epic is an opportunity like no other to realistically help millions of people change their lives and change ours in the process. I want to thank the Putnam family, everyone at corporate, and all brand partners around the world for making B-Epic great and a blessed home for all of us.
B-Epic is more than a company, it’s a community of people who are dedicated to creating a better life for themselves and others by blessing many around the world.”
Thank you to Sam and all the other wonderful leaders and members across the world!