Action Plan to Mobilize People

The following ACTION PLAN for Mobilization has created month-to-month growth of between 40% to 55%. But only if is applied exactly to a tee. Mobilization is what allows you to build depth in an organization, to generate ongoing month after month income. It is the very backbone of a solid Network Marketing organization.

NOTE 1: Some people may receive multiple requests from their splines. Not to worry, this is a good thing. Multiple requests reinforce the importance of the message, all while re-emphasizing their leadership abilities. 

NOTE 2: Did you notice that the message you communicate (see near the top in bold) is short. Efficient mobilization is in the process, making sure all the bullet points are done.


It can be applied to all promotion. In this case, in order to illustrate, we will simulate you mobilizing people in your group to attend the European Convention on September 28, 2024.

  • Clearly identify the message or action you wish to communicate to your organization.
  • Write down your message in clear terms, so that the content is easily understood and the delivery is easily duplicated. For example, in our case: Did you know that the greatest growth in all organizations happens within 3 months after a major event? That is why I want you to go to your back office right now and order your ticket to the European Convention on September 28 2024 in Mulhouse France. As soon as it’s done, send me a message confirming it.
  • Identify a few good leaders whom you trust to spread the message.
  • Handpick a few leaders (4 or 5) whom you can trust to talk to their downline about the message and action you want to communicate to your organization at large. Then write down their names and start the mobilization process with this next step.
  • Contact each of the leaders whose name you wrote down.
  • Communicate your message or action to your handpicked leaders, emphasizing the importance of the message, and the fact that they are one of the few you trusted to spread this crucial information. Give your leaders the message, just as you wrote it, and relay the process you just followed to contact them.
  • Tell your leaders to write down your message so they communicate it the exact same way you communicated it to them. Then tell them to write down the names of a few leaders in their organization who will be able to contact a few of their best people.
  • Clearly outline the mobilization process you jut followed, and tell your leaders they will need to communicate the same process to the people they contact in their own organization.
  • Ask your leaders to report the success of their communication, and insist that those whom they contact will need to report their success to them as well.
  • Report success.
  • Congratulate your leaders on a job well done as they report the success of their communication to you. Ask them how their own leaders are doing with spreading the news, and ask them if they have received good success reports as well.

Congratulations! As you do this, you are stepping into the role of a true leader, and you will too reap its benefits. ~ John Godzich, President of B-Epic Europe