You just got Faster and Better

A few years ago, I read a book called  “it’s not the BIG that eat the SMALL … it’s the FAST that eat the SLOW”.

I will save you time in so far that you don’t need to read this book, as the title summarizes perfectly the essence of this book. Indeed, the title of this book was a turning point in how successful people do business efficiently.

  • Do things fast. Do them immediately. Sponsor now. Promote now. Don’t worry about getting it right. Do it now. There is always time to correct things. But inaction does not give you anything to correct.
  • Decision is key. The word decision comes from the Latin and means to cut off. Cut off all other possibilities.
  • What prevents decision is fear. Your decision making process needs to cut off anything that comes from fear. FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. 
  • When you make your daily list of important things to do that day, that will get you closer to your goals, cross out anything that is based on fear.
  • Bathe your decisions in Faith, and watch magic happen in your life.

Make it a daily habit to do things FAST. This will create a winning energy that will transform you into a leader that everyone will follow. You just got FASTER… and BETTER!

~ John Godzich, President of B-Epic Europe