It’s a Crazy Wonderful World

It’s a Crazy Wonderful World

Thank you to everyone who participated in all the festivities during the week of Dan’s birthday last month., We want to express our thanks to everyone who messaged Dan and our family. Also, we had a great response from the field to participate in the drawing! Most winners should have their prizes by now. 

It was a fun week for all of us in this crazy, wonderful world!

I am so grateful that when I look out my window, I see a beautiful spring day. I feel blessed that I don’t see bombed buildings or hear sirens and that I am not faced with riots or homelessness. There are so many stressful things happening all over the world, and my heart goes out to those who are struggling.

When things get tough, I remind myself that no matter what the circumstances are, we get to choose our response. If you look around, there is still sunshine and clouds in the sky, birds and seeds sprouting, and rivers and kids running. If you are struggling, I encourage you to find hope of a better day in the goodness you can see, hear, and feel around you.

B-Epic Worldwide offers products that help provide needed energy, help protect and boost health, and help nourish with vitamins and nutrition. WOW! I think we pretty much have the needs of the body covered. We also offer the opportunity to increase your financial wellbeing. When our bodies and minds are working their best and we have some control over our financial status, life can look pretty good in spite of the circumstances around us.

There is hope! Find the goodness in the crazy wonderful world around you! ~ Lynn Putnam, B-Epic Worldwide Co-Owner

Inspirational Message from Leader Doneen Hoffman

Inspirational Words from a Leader in the Field: Doneen Hoffman, Silver Brand Partner

I joined B-Epic last September and have never looked back. I started sharing the products before I even got my first bundle in house! (When you know you just know.) In my opinion everyone can benefit from adding B-Epic supplements to their daily routine. I believe it can change their lives as it has mine. (There are so many great B-Epic products, it is hard to pick my favorite.)

Every day I wake up happy and ready to start the day (thanks in part to taking ACCLER8 Sleep & Restore the night before). Then I hop on my phone and wish everybody a good morning and ask what supplements they are enjoying today. I also encourage all new customers to get on the 3-Day Epic Experience supplement pack system. And I send them a sample of the detox tea and caramels (they are too good not to share, and I feel they are a great jumpstart to any weight-loss journey).

Our company and supplements are truly life changing! Thank you for letting me be a part of B-Epic and sharing it with the world!

Every day is a great day if you have your B-Epic supplements! ~ Doneen Hoffman, Silver Brand Partner

New Natural Weight Management Instant Tea

Announcing our NEW Delicious Natural Weight Management Instant Tea

Introducing Drink2Shrink™ Instant Tea, a caffeine-free detox herbal infusion crafted to restore your body’s natural balance. Made from a synergistic blend of premium organic herbs, this tea gently cleanses, detoxifies, and revitalizes your entire system. Experience improved health, energy, and concentration with regular use, while managing weight effectively and supporting long-term wellness goals. Formulated for sensitive systems, it soothes the digestive tract and replenishes essential enzymes lost through modern food processing. It’s the perfect drink for a healthier lifestyle. 

Feel the difference today with Drink2Shrink™ Instant Tea! Now available in select markets.

Selling B-Epic Products on 3rd Party Retail Sites

Important Information about Selling B-Epic Products on 3rd Party Retail Sites

Be advised that if a B-Epic Brand Partner or Customer sells B-Epic Worldwide products or packs on any 3rd party site, it must be at the full retail price. No one is permitted to sell any B-Epic Worldwide products individually or in any pack at a price that is lower than the customer retail price posted on official B-Epic Worldwide websites and Back Office. If a B-Epic member sells any products or packs at the non-approved price on a 3rd party retail site, their B-Epic customer account will be locked, and they will not be able to access it nor get another customer account.

Please refer to the Terms and Conditions on and ensure you are in compliance.

All About You Conference in Orlando was a big hit!

All About You Conference in Orlando was a big hit!

Hopefully we are all experiencing B-Epic in a wholistic surround sound way! An opportunity anchored in the best products at the best pricing! Now we can add the best training in the best culture. “Good Culture is to recruiting, what good product is to marketing.”

Orlando was the perfect melting pot of humanity of all walks of life! B-Epic Founder Dan Putnam set the tone and vision, even with beautiful inspirational live music performed by Adam. From then on, Stanecia Graham held the room in the palm of her hands! Then one great leader After another shared so many great things to empower those Who desire improvements in their lifestyles! VP Jesus Alvarez gave a profound International update, illuminated the idea that we are global, leveraging the global economy, indiscriminately to millions of doorsteps! We all left fulfilled and ready to go to the next level. I was given some time to share as well the message of “how to be epic” as part of a Brand New B-Ü Movement! 

Being you, is being happy, is being epic!  “The only successful you, the authentic you, the only sustainable you, is the authentic you. Be you, be happy, be epic!” ~ Ron Williams