You had a dream last night…

You had a dream last night…

You had a dream last night. You know the type of dream that we all have at least once in our lives. The type of dream that seems more real than reality. The type of dream that when you wake up from it, you can still feel the majesty of the events in it.

The fragrances of the flowers in the open field that you ran in have now impregnated the sheets of your bed. The colors of the perfect sunset have left a warm hue on your skin. You can still feel the soft summer breeze playing in your hair, as if you were still standing on the deck of the boat, surrounded by the smiling faces of your friends as you were leaving the shores of Kauai. They were all there, leaders of your organization, all too happy to take part in the celebration of your success.

Of course, you were now truly financially independent, able to save up over 90% of your after-tax income, assuring not only your lifestyle for the rest of your years, but also that of your children. And then, you looked at all your friends, and with the wisdom acquired through the recent years of your business building experience, you scrutinized the hopes manifested in their eyes, and saw how, they too, would experience what you were living. An EPIC lifestyle, you were being YOU. You had learned what it is to be you, that B U was far beyond a mere slogan. You could taste it, smell it, touch it, live it… What a life! All the seeming pain erased in what seemed like a moment. Living a healthy lifestyle with the help of the greatest products. Starting every person around you with a great compensation plan, helping people make money immediately. A training program available to all who dared take the next step.

And then the phone started ringing. You did not want to answer, you did not want to break the magic of your dream. You did not want to come back to the reality of those who would say NO to you. But you answered anyway… And you heard, “Listen, I’ve given a lot of thought to what you told me about the B-Epic business. I’m ready! Full speed ahead. I want to start now!” You let out a faint, “OK, I’m with you. Let’s get together tonight” And after hanging up, you thought, dreams really do come true… One at a time.. to those who hang on to them.

Make your dreams come true! ~ John Godzich, B-Epic International Manager

Stay in the Loop…follow B-Epic on social media!

Stay in the Loop…follow B-Epic on social media!

Be sure to follow our social media for B-Epic updates and current information.

We regularly share important updates and awesome specials for our members there…and you don’t want to miss out!

Be sure to invite your customers and team members to get connected as well!

B-EPIC Corporate Social Media Accounts

B-ECO Corporate Social Media Accounts

Social Media Groups

B-Epic Latin America Update

B-Epic Latin America Update

It is a pleasure for me to share with all of you that last month, we had a good increase of sales in some of our Latin American countries. Congratulations, and thanks to all of you leaders, because this would not be possible without your tremendous leadership, dedication, and efforts! We really feel delighted to begin this year with these results and with the right foot.

Now, let´s keep focus on achieving a sustained growth, we highly recommend that you work with monthly goals, that are measurable, achievable, and challenging. We will be there to support you in anything that you require, and to work with all of you as a team!

I would like to share with you the following indicators from January 2024. The Latin American countries with the most outstanding performance during this month were:

  • Mexico: 1st place in sales Latin America/ 5th place Global sales.
  • Costa Rica: 2nd place in sales Latin America / 7th place Global sales.
  • Perú: 3rd place in sales Latin America, for 3 months in a row.
  • Dom. & Ecuador: Best month in sales in the last 6 months.
  • Colombia: Best month in sales in the last 12 months (1 year).

Congratulations to B-Epic Latin America and let´s go for more! ~ Alejandro Gomez, B-Epic Latin America Director

Sample the 3-Day Epic Experience Pack

Sample the 3-Day Epic Experience Pack

We invite you to explore the benefits of our 3-Day Epic Experience (3DEE). Sharing the product packs as a sampling program is an excellent strategy for introducing new customers to our flagship product.


It includes ELEV8, a premium vitamin supplement distinguished by its all-natural ingredients that are optimally utilized by the body. This remarkable formula not only supplements your daily vitamin intake but also boosts your energy levels. It also includes ACCELER8 Sleep, which has been proven effective without any adverse side effects, ensuring a restful night’s sleep. ACCELER8 Restore is a nutritional supplement designed to enhance optimal health and weight management through gentle detoxification, gut microbiome replenishment, and nutrient-rich support for the body’s natural restoration processes.

Unlike many other products on the market, we prioritize what truly matters – the quality and efficacy of what’s inside! Experience the difference with our innovative approach to wellness. Discover the unique advantages of ELEV8 and ACCELER8 today.

By offering samples, we build trust and confidence in our products, providing distributors with a valuable touchpoint to re-engage potential clients and foster ongoing dialogue.

Team Celebrates Two Years with B-Epic

Team Celebrates Two Years with B-Epic

Recently Black Diamond Xavier Barbay and his team celebrated two years at B-Epic Worldwide. For the team’s second anniversary with the company, they had a fun, live Zoom event. Xavier reported that they “had 183 computers connected, but many of them were in teams at home, so we had over 200 members connected.” Xavier is based in France and has team members in the French Islands, Switzerland, and other in other places in Europe. 

Happy Two-Year Anniversary to Xavier Barbay and his team! We are so glad you are part of the B-Epic Worldwide family!