90-Day Weight-Loss Challenge Update

90-Day Weight-Loss Challenge Update
We are nearing the end of our first Get Paid to Lose Weight (GP2LW) challenge – the 90 days end on October 31st. We will announce all the winners shortly after and how much weight they lost due to their hard work and amazing B-Epic products. The program has had great success, and B-Epic will start a new 90-day challenge January 1st – right in time for New Year’s resolutions!
Now is the time to get yourself and your downlines excited for the start of the next challenge. Make sure everyone has their autoship orders set up to have all their products ready for that January 1 start date. The GP2LW program is a great recruiting tool and a great way to reactivate downlines that may have gone inactive.
Remember, the great thing about the GP2LW challenge is people can earn money on their own personal weight loss. B-Epic does not just pay the person who lost the most weight; money is earned based on individual weight loss – so everyone can win! And the program is FREE to join!
Keep an eye out the first part of November to see our current winners and be ready to congratulate them for their hard work during this 90-day challenge.