Still Time to Join the GPTLW Challenge

There is Still Time to Join our First Get Paid to Lose Weight Challenge

Have you signed up for B-Epic’s new, exciting healthy living program? Our Get Paid To Lose Weight (GP2LW) program is only a few weeks into its first 90-day challenge. And already participants are seeing pounds and inches coming off! Plus, they are loving their results of hard work, exercise, eating right, and of course the amazing B-Epic products.

If you are ready to look and feel great, what are you waiting for? There is still time to join the current challenge! Anyone can enter and everyone can win! Participants are paid based on the amount of weight they lose using B-Epic products – up to $10 per pound lost!

To be eligible for this round, you need to register and submit your Before pictures by August 30th. To get started, email our fantastic GP2LW Program Coordinator Wendy at 

Start your Get Paid To Lose Weight challenge today!  

Click here for more information:

Spotlighting Double Blue Diamond Xavier Barbay

Please join us in congratulating Xavier Barbay for achieving the Double Blue Diamond rank!  We recently asked him to share his thoughts on his success.

“The fact of having qualified Double Blue Diamond, I owe it to the daily work of an exceptional team. I am lucky to be surrounded by women and men of heart, who share the same values. The desire in particular to improve the quality of life of as many people as possible on this planet.

I discovered relationship marketing at the age of 20, with varying degrees of success. All these past experiences have been rich lessons. I am now reaping the fruits of success since 2013 when my life changed, thanks to this MLM industry, in the field of well-being.

 Why did I choose to work with B-Epic starting in February 2022?

  • What seems important to me is first of all the financial solidity of this MLM (multilevel marketing) company.
  • A team of exceptional researchers and physicians, recognized worldwide, are part of the company’s advisory committee. It is very reassuring, and it is a guarantee of quality.
  • Leaders perform well. They have enormous development prospects (and yours are also expanding!) and they listen to the leaders who work in the field.
  • The products are exclusive and unique in the world, with a real rapid impact on people.
  • The commission plan is outstanding. It allows everyone to be able to get by financially, according to their commitment and their clearly defined objectives. And there is nothing more honoring than making a living by helping others improve their quality of life.”

 Congratulations to Xavier Barbay for achieving the Double Blue Diamond rank!