Reminder About Brand Partner Code of Ethics

It is very important that all of our affiliates / independent distributors follow the B-Epic Brand Partners Code of Ethics at all times. Below are some specifics that we want to make sure you are fully aware of.
As a reminder, please refer to ALL of the information posted on the Terms and Conditions as well as in the Brand Partner Handbook. It is expected that you stay abreast of that important information to ensure that you are always in compliance and maintaining the highest professional standards.
Do Not Make Unsubstantiated Product Claims
At B-Epic we value integrity and standby the quality of our products. As such we hold our company to high standards in this regard and expect all our affiliates / independent distributors to maintain honest marketing practices as well. B-Epic Brand Partners are not permitted to make any unproven and/or unsupported claims in any way about any of our products. B-Epic affiliates / independent distributors CAN NOT make any such statements in any presentation or on any promotional / marketing material of any form, including on any social media platform. These types of statements include – but are not limited to – the following: “You can lose weight from the first minutes of physical activity (not from the 15th-20th minute, as usual)”; “B-KETO allows a consumer to use less oxygen during exercise”; “All carbs are burned off during the first 20 minutes of exercise”; “Glycogen depletion must occur before the body begins to start burning fat”; “B-KETO “lower[s] your risk of type 2 & 3 diabetes”; and “B-Epic’s product KETOBA allows the body to begin burning fat from “second 1”.
Do Not Mention Other Companies and Products
For legal reasons, it is very important that B-Epic Brand Partners do NOT mention any other companies or their products – for example, #NotPruvit or #BetterThanLeVel – in any form of marketing or advertising including on social media and zoom-type calls. Doing so is not permitted and goes against our Brand Partner Code of Ethics. It is important that all B-Epic affiliates / independent distributors understand and always follow this policy to ensure full compliance. Any violations may result in that Brand Partner’s suspension or termination. It is expected that we all conduct our businesses professionally and ethically.
Notice Regarding Solicitation from Other Companies
Any B-Epic Brand Partner who solicits or entices members of another direct sales company to sell or distribute B-Epic products and services bears the risk of being sued by the other direct sales company. If any lawsuit, arbitration, or mediation is brought against a Brand Partner alleging they engaged in inappropriate recruiting of another company’s sales force or customers, B-Epic will not pay any of the Brand Partner’s defense costs or legal fees, nor will B-Epic indemnify the Brand Partner for any judgment, award, or settlement.
B-Epic Brand Partners CAN NOT in any way at any time solicit, entice, or deliberately encourage any existing customer or promoter of Pruvit to join B-Epic or use our products. Be aware that you can be suspended or terminated from B-Epic for any infraction of this rule.