B-ECO Compensation Plan now LIVE on becoww.com
Have you checked out the compensation plan specifically for B-ECO? It lays out all the details for Brand Partners interested in the B-ECO opportunity. Most notably, it includes information about the Monthly MINI Lifestyle Bonus, which can pay up to $350 USD per month! If you order the Fuel Tabs 3-pack ($50 USD), you can earn a Monthly Mini Lifestyle Bonus, which is half (50%) the dollar amount of the regular Monthly Lifestyle Bonus.
In addition to the PDF version that is linked to on the becoww.com website, we now have a web-based version of the B-ECO compensation plan as a resource for members. This new, online version is more mobile-friendly for those accessing and viewing the information via cell phones and tablets.
Check out the new comp plan webpage now at https://www.becoww.com/0/compplan