It is hard to believe we are almost at the end of 2021. A lot has happened, and yet many find themselves not where they wanted to be at the end of another year. So, what should we focus on? Where do we turn for a feeling of inner peace and the hope that all can be well?
As I ponder on this and look back over my experiences this year, I find that the times when I felt the greatest comfort and peace were when my focus was on others and what I could do to make my little corner of the world a better place. We are all people needing people in our lives.
So, what can we each do to make a change in our little corners of the world? What if every person could find just 3 things that they could do today to make something better for someone else? We are all so busy right now with plans for the holidays and making things good for our own. But I promise that if we each take the time to focus on how we (and our families) can bring a bit of sparkle and joy to another person’s life, collectively we can cause great change. And we can put smiles on the faces of those who have lost hope.
Can it really make a difference? Just try it and pay attention to how you feel inside. Does it make a difference? You decide. If we each were to make a daily habit of doing just 3 things to lift and help others every day, can you imagine how big of a difference we could make? I say let’s try it and find out! We have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all of you! We pray for the blessing of family and friends and for the ability to find the light and add to it.
May this be a blessed season for all of you! From the Putnams