Prime Your Body for Peak Performance

Prime Your Body for Peak Performance!

O2 Drops® all-natural nutritional supplement is proven to boost oxygen levels in the body for better health and performance. It contains Activated Stabilized Oxygen (ASO®) and Lyophilic Third State Minerals (LTSM®), which renew and fortify the body at the cellular level. The proprietary ASO® in O2 Drops® has been independently tested and validated by more than two dozen laboratories and universities across the world.  

O2 Drops® combine the proven benefits of bioavailable oxygen with vital trace minerals to boost overall health, energy, and mental clarity; enhance physical performance; improve recovery from physical stressors; and support weight management and immune health. It is 100% natural, easy to use, and safe for people of all ages. Take it as a daily supplement or as needed for an extra immunity or workout boost.

Order O2 Drops today from Available in select markets. 

Is Your Shipping Address Correct and Complete?

Is Your Shipping Address Correct and Complete?

We have great shippers doing all they can to get your orders to you quickly. But they continue report issues with provided shipping addresses that are not correct or complete, which means we cannot ship those orders to you. This is particularly an issue with international packages. 

To ensure you receive your order, these are the absolute requirements:

  1. Correct and complete shipping address, including house number, building if applicable, street, city, province/state, CORRECT country, and postal code. 
  2. Valid phone number WITH COUNTRY CODE that you can be reached at.
  3. Working email address (with no typos) that you check regularly.

If any of these are incorrect or missing, you will NOT receive your order. 

Also, be sure to regularly check your spam or junk folders if you are not seeing emails from B-Epic Worldwide in your inbox. We are really attempting to keep all of you updated with the latest news.

To receive your order, please check that your shipping profile is correct and complete.

If Not Now, When?

If Not Now, When?

HELLO TO ALL OF YOU! I haven’t written anything for a couple of months but every day I think of all of you. As the guys are working on new ideas and we are planning new products and marketing strategies, I keep remembering one of the sayings we have used a few times and talk about a lot among ourselves.


That thought or saying can be applied to most anything in our lives. I think we especially need to think of this when we are talking about something we really don’t like to do very much. IF YOU DON’T MAKE 10 CALLS TODAY RIGHT NOW, THEN WHEN? I have started asking myself that question every time I want to put an important task off. I say it aloud. “Lynn, IF NOT NOW, WHEN?” Almost always I realize I need to go ahead and do it now. I am finding I get a lot more of the things done that I really should be doing, and I can then celebrate that I am not procrastinating and running the risk of forgetting. 

Just try this idea! I think you will find it will really be effective and you can avoid a lot of those miserable guilt feelings. Remember, IF NOT NOW, WHEN?

We are looking forward to a great first quarter of the year and we appreciate all of you very much. Together we can all experience a great new year in 2023. 

Cheers to all! ~ Lynn Putnam, B-EPIC Co-Founder & Executive Vice President

B-Epic Gear Store USA Sale

B-Epic Gear Store USA Sale

The B-Epic Gear Store USA is having a sale, so you can stock up on branded marketing tools to help build your business! Get 20% off business cards, banners, and the new B-Epic brochure.

Sale runs February 22-28, 2023.

Automatic discount applied at checkout.

Shop now at

Disclaimer: USA shipping addresses only.

Order your professional B-Epic gear today! 20% off select items at!

Inspirational Message from a Leader in the Field

Inspirational Message from a Leader in the Field

This month’s inspirational message comes from a dynamic leader in the field: Sam Gurevich, Double Blue Diamond.

“I am so excited to be a part of B-Epic, especially at this precise moment. We have what people want and are looking for, a real global opportunity, that they can leverage to change their lives and lives of others.

In my 29 years in this industry, with partners around the world, I have seen firsthand the power of it to help people change their lives. In B-Epic, we have a leverage beyond anything I have seen, a true simplicity in everything. A person can even start earning without spending a cent, that’s incredible and powerful.

We are blessed to have spectacular impact products, with world renowned scientists, to absolutely amazing compensation plan and product pricing. Simplicity is a powerful element that we all have here in B-Epic.

B-Epic is an opportunity like no other to realistically help millions of people change their lives and change ours in the process. I want to thank the Putnam family, everyone at corporate, and all brand partners around the world for making B-Epic great and a blessed home for all of us.
B-Epic is more than a company, it’s a community of people who are dedicated to creating a better life for themselves and others by blessing many around the world.”

Thank you to Sam and all the other wonderful leaders and members across the world!

Get Paid to Lose Weight – Up to $500 USD!

Get Paid to Lose Weight – Up to $500 USD!

Join our Get Paid 2 Lose Weight (GP2LW) Challenge. Anyone can enter and everyone can win! Participants are paid based on the amount of weight they lose using B-Epic products – up to $10 per pound lost. It’s a great way to work on healthy lifestyle goals, shed unwanted pounds, and make some extra money. Click here to learn more.

This program is available exclusively for B-Epic Worldwide Brand Partners with an active qualified monthly order. So, if you’re currently a customer and want to participate, upgrade to a distributor account (which is easy to do and has other perks associated with it).

Sign-up instructions and program details are provided in your member dashboard. Terms, conditions, and restrictions apply. See site for details. 

Lose 5 pounds in 5 days! Plus get paid to lose weight!