Being a mentor leads to a fulfilling life!
Being a mentor leads to a fulfilling life!
The main cause for illness today is psychological. Of course, it then has physical consequences. And that cause is loneliness. Many people who retire stop seeing people and die within one year of retirement.
Your B-Epic business is the best antidote to loneliness. By definition, Network Marketing is about relationships. It is not enough to sign up, be on autoship, and sponsor people. You need to mentor them. In order to do that, you need to become a mentor who will teach others to become mentors.
That is why we invite you to join us in the Core B-Epic Training series every Tuesday. Please check for specific times in your language, and make sure you have your 27 CBT Videos as well as your downloadable book.
See you there, and say goodbye to loneliness and hello to a rich and fulfilling life. It’s all one click away! ~ John Godzich, President of B-Epic Europe