A special message from Lynn in the Corporate office:
I love the color red and I love hearts, so no matter what, I love Valentine’s month!
We are already into the second month of the year! We are all going to have to move fast to keep up in our constantly changing world.
One good thing we still have to count on is the opportunity B-EPIC is still providing for you to build a business with the income you choose to work for.
SUCCESS IS WHEN LUCK AND OPPORTUNITY MEET. You still have to take advantage of the opportunity to create luck and then success. As Winston Churchill said, “A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” Google the word “opportunity” for great ideas to maybe tweak your thinking to achieve more success.
Always remember results take time to measure, so be sure to take advantage of opportunity by consistent commitment and work. You CAN do it.
Have a great rest of your month. ~ Lynn Putnam, Co-Founder & Chief Operations Officer