All Independent Brand Partners are strongly advised to NOT make medical claims about B-Epic products. This includes information disseminated on social media platforms. Posting such information on your personal social media accounts can get you into serious trouble with your country’s regulatory commission.
Moreover, we as a company and salesforce want to always maintain high standards of truth and accuracy in the marketplace. B-Epic products are remarkable in their own right; their associated uses and potential benefits do not need to be misrepresented and/or exaggerated in order to convey how great they are.
All B-Epic Brand Partners are held to a professional Code of Ethics, which includes not making illegal product claims. To this end, avoid making unsubstantiated product claims about health and wellness benefits and/or promised results that are not likely achieved by the typical consumer. Moreover, to ensure full compliance, be sure to always state that you are an “Independent Brand Partner” on all promotional posts and/or marketing materials of any sort.
We appreciate everyone’s diligence in maintaining high standards.