We want to apologize for causing any stress due to an unintentional error to active accounts that occurred in the system and for not giving sufficient notice regarding a housekeeping action on inactive accounts. Over the weekend, we prematurely locked all accounts that have had no activity (i.e., no orders) on them in the past 6 months/180 days in preparation for a needed system purge of inactive accounts. In addition, all active accounts were also mistakenly locked. This action has now been undone in the system, and all affected accounts have been unlocked. So, if anyone is still experiencing any issues as a result of it, please contact Member Support right away (before March 30th at the latest).
IMPORTANT NOTICE: To allow everyone time to prepare, we are officially notifying you that on Wednesday, March 30th, 2022, all B-Epic distributor and customer accounts that have been INACTIVE (i.e., no orders) for 6 months/180 days will be locked in the back office and then permanently purged from the system. Be advised that this will include any free accounts that have never had an order placed on them. (In reality, free accounts are only good for 30 days if there is no order placed.)
So, this is a perfect time to contact your personally sponsored members that have not placed an order in the last 6 months/180 days and urge them to place an order on their account BEFORE next Wednesday (March 30th).
Also, be advised that moving forward (starting 3/30/22), the inactive account purge will be an ongoing automatic process. It is important and vital for keeping our organization tree clean and reducing the risk of system errors. As such, the following has been added to the B-Epic Terms and Conditions posted on our website. No additional notice will be made.
INACTIVE ACCOUNTS: Accounts that exceed 180 days of inactivity (no orders) will have their eWallets flushed, and the account will undergo a full purge. When that happens, the account will be removed from any trees and organizations and cannot be restored. In addition, any personally sponsored members will be moved up to the account that directly referred you (i.e., your Sponsor).
If you have any questions, please contact B-Epic Member Support.