It is a good idea to check out the bepic.com website and Back Office from time to time to make sure you are familiar with all that it provides to you in the way of information about the business and the products. It can be a big help in answering prospects’ questions and ensuring your business is successful. For example, there are detailed information sheets on every product as well as a detailed compensation plan that explains commissions.
To support the Brand Partners in the field and ensure they have valuable up-to-date information, we update the website and add resources regularly. There is a growing library of marketing tools and member resources accessible to you via your Back Office and on the bepic.com Support page. Recently, we added lots of social media images that can be used to promote products online as well as corporate literature (including the compensation plan and product information sheets) in multiple languages (plus, more to come). Also, the Brand Partner Handbook is being updated to cover the features of the new Back Office. All the basic information and rules are there for you; it addresses How To’s and Frequently Asked Questions that every distributor needs to know.
Stay on top of everything there is to know about your B-Epic business!